Two Exhibits in Colorado Feature Art Inspired by Mushrooms, Cannabis

by | Cannabis Times

 rpret data,” said Dr. Cinnamon Bidwell, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Public Health

Two New Exhibits in Denver Explore Magic Mushrooms and Cannabis

Attention all Denver hipsters! 🌿🍄 Are you ready to dive into the world of magic mushrooms and cannabis? Well, you’re in luck because two new exhibits have recently opened up in Denver, Colorado that will take you on a journey through these mind-altering substances.

Mycolandia: A Celebration of Mushrooms

The first exhibit, “Mycolandia,” is currently on display at the Dateline Gallery in Denver until June 23. This exhibit celebrates the world of mycology and the fascinating relationship between edible fungi and humanity. In simpler terms, it’s all about mushrooms. 🤓✌🏼🍄

According to the gallery’s social media, “Mycolandia” features works from 13 different artists, including the talented Noah Travis Phillips. In an interview with Westword, Phillips shared his inspiration for the exhibit, saying, “I definitely thought of the diverse array of mushrooms…the different ways that humans interface with them – whether as food, an intoxicating substance, or for bio remediation.”

One of the highlights of the exhibit is Phillips’ unique Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) AI images, which he created to represent the psychedelic properties of mushrooms. These colorful and abstract images are sure to captivate your mind and imagination. Phillips explains, “I’m engaging in a dialogue with that kind of cutting edge of technology and seeing what its creative potential is.”

But that’s not all – Phillips also incorporated 45 images that are situated close to the floor, forcing viewers to look downward. This adds a unique touch to the exhibit, reminiscent of mushroom foraging and hunting. As Phillips puts it, “To me, setting them up that way makes it more reminiscent of mushroom foraging, or mushroom hunting, where people have to get low to go find them.”

Grow Up: Where Science Meets Art

The second exhibit, “Grow Up,” is inspired by the “Science-Informed Art Model” and also opened on June 7. This exhibit will be on display until July 7 and aims to empower young students to explore the effects of high-concentration cannabis through their own creative lens.

According to a press release, teachers from four middle and high schools in Colorado were chosen to attend workshops presented by scientists and researchers from the University of Colorado School of Public Health. These teachers then developed workshops for their students, who created their own art inspired by “high-concentration cannabis.”

The result is a diverse selection of abstract art pieces where students have transformed scientific data into their own unique concepts. Dr. Cinnamon Bidwell, an assistant professor at the University of Colorado School of Public Health, explains the beauty of bringing science and art together, saying, “The beautiful part about bringing science and art together is [figuring out] how we interpret data.”

So, if you’re in Denver and looking for a unique and thought-provoking experience, be sure to check out these two exhibits before they close. Who knows, you may just leave with a new appreciation for magic mushrooms and cannabis. 🌈🌿