High Quality Strains for Hobbyist Growers

 I asked some of my favorite seed breeders to suggest their best cultivar for home growers. The stipulations were that each was easy to grow, adapted easily to different environments, and most importantly, that it had a distinctive personality. The breeders responded...

Why Does Cannabis Make Exercise So Much More Rewarding?

 As we come to the end of our in-depth exploration of the relationship between cannabis and exercise, I can’t help but envision a huge potential on the horizon. As fitness takes center stage in American society and the stereotype of lazy stoners is shattered, we...

DIY Cannabis Oil Skincare You Can Make at Home

 Hempseed oil has a long and fascinating history, dating back to its use in shamanic rituals and love potions. It has also been used in fragrances for centuries. Today, consumers can find a wide range of hemp-derived cannabis oil skincare and beauty products on...

The Strategist Talks The Talk

 Gia Morón is a highly respected public relations and communications executive, known for her forward-thinking approach and extensive experience in both the cannabis industry and other sectors. As the founder and CEO of GVM Communications, Morón has been at the...

America’s Constitutional Conundrum: Guns and Ganja

 As you can probably imagine, the news that Americans may have to choose between their beloved guns and their beloved ganja is not exactly being met with open arms. It’s a quintessentially American tale that pits state sovereignty against federal regulations,...