News, Dating Tips, and other CannaBuzz!

Relationship and Dating Tips, Advice, Stories, and Gossip

Hempseed Oil Inside & Out

Hempseed Oil Inside & Out

 Hemp is a versatile plant that has long been recognized for its industrial and commercial uses, such as making clothing, paper, plastic, fuel, and even building materials like hempcrete. Not only is it environmentally friendly, thanks to its ability to enrich the...

End of Summer Edibles: Labor Day Recipe Round-Up

End of Summer Edibles: Labor Day Recipe Round-Up

 As summer slowly comes to an end, there are still plenty of opportunities to enjoy the warm weather and sunshine. Labor Day is the perfect time to gather your loved ones for a casual BBQ in the park or a potluck at home. And what better way to impress your guests...

Are You a Cannabis Lifer? (Not the Same as a Stoner)

Are You a Cannabis Lifer? (Not the Same as a Stoner)

 The concept of a "cannabis lifer" has been buzzing around lately, sparking curiosity and stirring up debates. It's a label that carries weight and raises intriguing questions about dependency, socially accepted habits, and whether it automatically implies being a...